Terms & Conditions
Use of Site:
The content of this Garden Route Eye Clinic website and its individual pages is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice.
Accessing this site implies that you agree to our Terms & Conditions, as well as that you are familiar with our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer. These documents might be amended from time to time and it is each user’s responsibility to check back regularly.
Our Terms & Conditions apply to the Garden Route Eye Clinic website only. Other websites linked to or from this site, as well as other services or companies referring to have their own Terms & Conditions, which might not necessarily coincide with ours.
Reservation of Rights:
We reserve all of our rights, including but not limited to any and all copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and any other proprietary right that we may have in our website, its content, and the goods and services that may be provided.
The use of our rights and property requires our prior written consent. We are not providing you with any implied or express licenses or rights by making services available to you.
Registration Details:
When registering on our website, users need to provide truthful information and be at least thirteen (13) years of age.
Users are responsible to maintain the confidentiality of their login / registration details. Users are also solely responsible for uses via their passwords – whether authorised or unauthorised. Garden Route Eye Clinic immediately needs to be notified of any unauthorised user registration or access.
Registration data and other personally identifiable information that we may collect will be handled as confidential and is subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy.
Our Services:
Our website and its related services are provided on an “as is” basis. Garden Route Eye Clinic is the owner of this website and exclusively reserves all associated rights and may (at any time and without notice and any liability to its users) modify or discontinue this website and its services and / or delete the data provided – whether temporarily or permanently. Garden Route Eye Clinic shall have no responsibility or liability for the timeliness, deletion, failure to store, inaccuracy or improper delivery of any data or information.
Third Party Services:
Goods and services of third parties may be advertised and / or be made available on or through this website. Representations made regarding products and services provided by third parties are governed by their own policies. We shall not be liable or responsible for any dealings or interaction with third parties.
This website may contain content that may be objectionable. Garden Route Eye Clinic is not responsible for viewpoints differing from that of our users.
All information or data of any kind (including, but not limited to, text, images / graphics, videos, music / sound files and software / code), publicly or privately provided, shall be the sole responsibility of the person providing the content or the person whose user account is used.
Submission of Content:
By providing any content to our website:
– you agree to grant to Garden Route Eye Clinic a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive right and license (including any moral rights) to use, display / publish, reproduce / distribute, modify / adapt, promote, archive and translate the content. This includes creating derivative works and compilations thereof – in whole or in part. Such license will apply with respect to any form, media technology known or later developed;
– you warrant that you have all legal, moral and other rights that may be necessary to grant us with the right / license as above;
– you acknowledge and agree that we shall have the right (but not obligation), in our sole discretion, to refuse to publish or to remove or block access to any content you provide at any time and for any reason – with or without notice.
Copying, reproducing, republishing or distributing the website and associated content, including the layout, design elements, images and text. This also applies to ‘deep-linking’, ’embedding’ or the use of analogous technology.
Providing any content or perform any conduct that may be unlawful / illegal, harmful / abusive / tortuous, threatening / harassing / stalking, defamatory, libelous, offensive / objectionable or vulgar / obscene / pornographic. This includes content or actions designed to (or which do) interfere with or interrupt this website or any service provided; content infected with a virus or other destructive or deleterious programming routine; content giving rise to civil or criminal liability; or content / actions which may violate an applicable local, national or international law, including (but not limited to) laws relating to copyrights, trademarks, patents or trade secrets.
Providing or using this website and any content or service in any commercial manner or in any manner that would involve junk mail, spamming, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of unauthorised advertising without our prior written consent.
Impersonating or misrepresenting your association with any person or entity, or forge or otherwise seek to conceal or misrepresent the origin of any content provided by you.
Collecting or harvesting any data about other users.
We have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor any activity and content associated with this website. We may investigate any complaints or reported violation of these Terms & Conditions and take any action that we deem appropriate. This may include, but is not limited to, issuing warnings, suspending, terminating or attaching conditions to users’ access and / or removing any materials from the website.
You agree to indemnify and hold us (including our directors, employees, agents, affiliates, partners, independent contractors, advertisers and co-branders) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, that may be made by any third party, that is due to or arising out of conduct or connection with this website or service, your provision of content, your violation of these Terms & Conditions or any other violation of the rights of another person or party. Also read our Disclaimer.
Our Terms & Conditions will be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of South Africa whose courts will have exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute. However, we have the right, at our sole discretion, to commence and pursue proceedings in alternative jurisdictions.
In the event that these conditions conflict with any law under which any provision may be held invalid by a court with jurisdiction over the parties, such provision will be interpreted to reflect the original intentions of the parties in accordance with applicable law, and the remainder of these Terms & Conditions will remain valid and intact.
Failure of either party to assert any right under these Terms & Conditions shall not be considered a waiver of that party’s right and that right will remain in full force and effect.
You agree that without regard to any statue or contrary law that any claim or cause arising out of this website or its services must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause arose or the claim shall be forever barred.
View a copy of the Electronic Communications & Transactions Act 2002 (ECT Act) here.
Continued use of this website signifies your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions