Please bring your ID or Passport, Medical Aid Card as well as your current spectacles or contact lens prescription.
Depending on the reason for the examination, you will spend at least 1 ½ to 2 hours at the eye clinic. During this time, you will receive several routine tests from our skilled Ophthalmic Assistants before you see the Ophthalmologist. All tests and scans done by the Ophthalmic Assistants together with a physical examination by the Ophthalmologist himself, assist in an accurate diagnosis.
Please be aware that any additional tests and associated costs will be provided to you in a quote and thoroughly discussed by the Ophthalmic Assistant prior to conducting the tests.
During your eye examination, eye drops may be used to dilate your pupils. This can temporarily affect your vision for up to 20 hours, and we strongly recommend against driving home after the examination. If you are uncertain whether your pupils will be dilated, please contact your Doctor’s practice.
Patient Information Forms:
Please email the completed Patient Information Forms to